
Can changing your stoma bag product help tackle sore skin?

29 September, 2023

Sponsored feature by Convatec

Many people with a stoma may overlook a seemingly simple solution when dealing with sore skin – changing their stoma bag. Sore and irritated skin can result from various factors, including allergies, care routines, bodily changes, and, most commonly, output leakage. These issues can arise at any point in a bag wearer’s journey with their stoma, often becoming prominent in the first year as the body adjusts.

How can you determine if your irritation is due to output contacting your skin? Look out for some tell-tale signs: the skin around your stoma may appear pinkish-red, feel generally sore, and often remain moist. When removing the bag, you might notice output on the back of the adhesive.


Charlie’s Experience:

Charlie, a member of Convatec’s me+™ advocate team, faced this problem. She began experiencing soreness almost immediately after leaving the hospital, and like many others, she initially considered it a normal reaction to her stoma. Charlie shared, “My skin was sore, moist, and bleeding. It felt like a vicious cycle – leaks caused skin irritation, and the soreness made it challenging to keep the bag in place, resulting in more leaks.”

As a new mother, coping with her stoma became even more challenging. She expressed, “I thought life would never be the same. I couldn’t go out with the baby without fearing a bag leak. Wearing anything tight like jeans was out of the question, as it increased the risk of a leak. I just wanted to focus on being a mum, not worrying about bags and leaks.”


How Switching Products Can Help Reduce Sore Skin:

The solution for Charlie turned out to be simple – changing products. A relative with a stoma recommended that she try Convatec’s Mouldable Technology™. Charlie requested a free sample from the Convatec Product Team and was thrilled with the results. She exclaimed, “It was an instant victory. I didn’t have high expectations for the samples; I thought leaks were something I had to endure. So, I was shocked and amazed at how well they worked. I can go out without worrying and eat without panicking. It has truly been life-changing.”

Watch this video to hear about Charlie’s experience using Convatec Mouldable Technology™:


Understanding Convatec Mouldable Technology™:

One of the remarkable aspects of Mouldable Technology™ is its simplicity of use. It provides a snug fit between the stoma and adhesive without the need for templates, measurements, or cutting of the baseplate. Eliminating the risk of cutting and measuring mistakes, it offers a custom and secure fit for every individual.

This technology can benefit many people living with a stoma, as stomas can change in size over time. Convatec Mouldable Technology™ adjusts to any changes in your stoma size and shape, reducing the potential for leakage and sore skin.

Charlie also found this to be the case. She shared, “My stoma has prolapsed before and can change size quite a lot. I find that the adhesive moves with it and doesn’t cause restrictions or leave gaps where soreness could develop.”


If you’re interested in trying Convatec Mouldable Technology™ for yourself, click this link to request your free samples.

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