
Emma’s Journey to Everest: January

28 January, 2019

colostomy uk: emma's journey january

In December last year we featured Emma Raynes and her plan to reach Everest Base Camp in 2020. Emma is writing a monthly blog for us as she trains to get ready for her adventure…

“It has now been 14 weeks since my stoma surgery.

I have always been a very resilient person, and feel I’ve adapted well to having my stoma. I have always been extremely independent and strive to have the best outlook on life. A positive mind set changes everything and I firmly believe we can achieve anything we put our minds too. I have also been lucky in that I have had support from friends and family both online and with simple acts like popping around with some shopping.

While recovering I made a choice to change my career.  After working 25 years in public sector work I jumped ship to office based working for a Health and Benefits company.  This decision was a very good move, my new role is less physically demanding and less stressful compared to high demands to my previous work life. I have fitted in so well at work, and my co-workers are very supportive and understanding.

This has left me with more time for charitable work, social life and of course training for Everest. Training is my time for solicitude and reflection, and at the moment I am training 3 days a week and have run 60 miles since surgery. I know that the hours will have to increase as my challenge draws nearer.

On Saturday 26th January I took part in a 5K Walk in Heaton Park, Manchester. Soon after is my first running event, The Wrexham half marathon on March 17th.  I really feel that I’m on target for this and looking forward to testing myself. I’m also running the Tatten 10K in February!

At the moment I am focusing on my diet, and ensuring I have the right nutrients, and drinking green smoothies which is a great way to digest those vegi greens with my stoma. Can’t wait to update you all again next month.

Until next time!”


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